The School of Art and Design of Sant Cugat (EAD Sant Cugat) is a public school closely linked to its city, with a vocation for public service that promotes specialized training in official studies of Plastic Arts and Design in the field of Graphic and Audiovisual Communication. We offer a Vocational Education and Training course (CFGM in Catalan and Spanish) with specialization in Support to the Printed Graph Product, and Higher Education courses (CFGS in Catalan and Spanish) specialized in Animation, Illustration, Printed Graphics and Interactive Graphics.
The pedagogical and organizational autonomy of the EAD Sant Cugat and the teamwork of the teaching staff allow for the development of flexible measures that can meet the demands of the students.
Our studies facilitate continuous training with an international projection, connecting the Vocational Education and Training course to the Higher Education courses, and thus offering the possibility of obtaining two degrees in three years while supporting international mobility with the Erasmus Plus program.
The DNA of the school is formed by its dynamic, close and inclusive character and the Educational Project, which is based on quality and transversal education, and which aims to train professionals who are creative, critical and committed to the present surrounding them. The school is next to Barcelona, located in a unique space: on the site of a modernist tower called Casa Monaco. The EAD is in a quiet and green environment, close to the Collserola Natural Park, and five minutes from the center of Sant Cugat. It is well communicated for both public and road transport and it is in a dynamic university environment that offers all the services students may need.
International strategy of the institution EAD Sant Cugat
Search Criteria for partner schools:
- Offering cycles of tertiary education / first level of higher education (EQF-5) and EQF- 6 level higher degrees in the field Graphic and Audiovisual Communication
Objectives for students:
- Increase opportunity for the acquisition of personal skills and occupational knowledge
- Broaden worldview and meet other professional viewpoints
- Improve confidence and competence in foreign languages
- Motivate learning and broaden professional expectations
- Gain sensitivity to and understanding of other cultures and nations so as to strengthen the sense of being a European citizen
Objectives for the institution:
- Initiate, within the Bologna framework, agreements with educational institutions offering EQF-5 level short cycles of education at tertiary level and EQF- 6 level higher degrees
- Stimulate the institution, supporting the professional development of teachers and non-teaching staff, to improve the quality of education and the educational environment
- To foster vocational networks
Intended student profile:
We consider that the students who stand to gain the most from this excellent opportunity are those in their second year and third year of their studies.
2x3 and Erasmus Program:
The EAD Sant Cugat offers different itineraries among the Higher Education courses, and all of them are authorized by the Department of Education. This allows students to obtain two qualifications in three academic years (2x3) with a total of 180 ECTS credits. In the third year students can take their last semester abroad with an Erasmus program for either studies or internships.
The aim of the Erasmus program is to improve the students’ performance, their career prospects, and to enhance their motivation and initiative. It is also to increase autonomy and self-esteem, to improve their foreign language skills, and to achieve greater intercultural awareness.
For the EAD Sant Cugat, the Erasmus project is a gateway to the improvement of educational offer, the birth of new projects and cultural exchange.
Avda de Gràcia, 50, 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès.
T. +34 93 674 13 10
Erasmus code: E BARCELO128
OID: E10042175
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal (GIMP, IL, GINT) (website)
- Desenvolvimiento de Produtos Multimédia
- Ilustraçâo e Arte Gráfica
ESAD Matosinhos, Portugal (GIMP, IL, GINT, AN) (website)
- Communication Design
University West Attica, Greece (GIMP, IL, AN) (website)
- Graphic Arts and Design
ESA Le75 Brussels, Belgium (IL, GIMP) (website)
- Graphic Design
- Printmaking and Digital Art
Art & Design Institut of Prague, Czech republic (IL, GIMP) (website)
- Multimedia
- Graphics
Universitat Corte Còrcega Pasquale Paoli, Còrcega, França (GINT, GIMP)
- BTS Activités et Techniques de Communication Spécialité Design Numérique (website)
- Bachelor Arts plàstiques (website)
Axe SUD, Toulouse, França (GIMP, IL) (website)
- Design Graphique
- Bande dessinée Illustration
Institut Sainte Geneviève- Paris, França (AA) (website)
- DNMADE Cinema d'animation
ABAUD- Accademia di Belle Arti di Udine GB Tiepolo - Udine, Itàlia (GIMP) (website)
- Graphic design
Accademia di Carrara (IL, GIMP, AA) (website)
- Imprès de sol·licitud
- Presentació IDIOMES
- Presentació Mobilitat Estudis i Pràctiques
- Calendari Sol·licituds
- CV Europass
Els estudiants que gaudeixin d'una beca Erasmus+ SMS/SMT rebran un curs d'idioma online a través de la plataforma OLS (Online Linguistic Support) - que els ajudarà a preparar-se per la seva estada al país estranger.
Webs on cercar empreses per realitzar pràctiques:
- /internship (a UK)
Consorci Escoles d’Art de Catalunya
L’EAD forma part del Consorci d’Escoles d’Art de Catalunya, el qual gestiona mobilitats de pràctiques a l’estranger.
Mes informació:
After being selected at the home institution for a mobility stay at the EAD Sant Cugat, it is necessary to send to the following documents:
- Completed application form
- Curriculum vitae
- Learning Agreement Proposal. We recommend choosing subjects from the seconds years. See curricula below (Our Studies Tab).
- Motivation letter
- Photocopy of your identity document or passport
- Portfolio or book with referenced pictures of the student’s work
- Documentation to support adequate proficiency in the language of instruction (Spanish or Catalan).
Applications should be sent via e-mail: Only submissions in digital format will be accepted (pdf format and compressed into a zip clearly labelled with the name of the student).
- Autumn semester: 30th May
- Spring semester: 30th October
Academic year
The academic year is divided into two periods:
Winter Semester: from September to February
Spring Semester: from February to June.
Lessons are held in the afternoon, from 15,30h to 21,30h
EAD does not operate student housing of its own. We recommend the incoming students to search for accommodation through the following websites:
Medical Insurance
- Medical insurance:
Incoming students and teachers/staff must have a valid health insurance during the Erasmus stay at the EAD Sant Cugat.
In the EAD Sant Cugat lessons are taught in Catalan or in Spanish. We recommend that incoming students have some knowledge of Spanish or Catalan. The desirable level is B1.
EAD Sant Cugat does not offer language courses of its own, but there are some options to attend a language course in Sant Cugat during the Erasmus time:
- Free catalan courses: Consorci de normalització linguística
- Spanish courses up to level A2: Escola d'Adults de Sant Cugat
Grading table
Regarding the teachers/ staff mobility, we do not have deadlines. Contact the international department of the EAD Sant Cugat and send the completed application form. The coordinator will inform the departments where you would like to receive training or to teach. Finally, you’ll send us the mobility program and also the CV in case of STA (Staff Training Assignment.)
To find out more about the application process, contact the Erasmus institutional coordinator at your home institution.
(A32, A34, A22) equipped with drawing tables, individual lighting, wifi and power access points for laptops and general computer, audio and projection system for theoretical and practical classes. These classrooms are suitable for artistic and technical drawing (with floor for life model), techniques of graphic expression, calligraphy, etc. Capacity: 30 students.
Print facility
(A21) has different types of computers and scanners for the preparation of originals for printing. Used by Graphic Print modules. Capacity: 15 students.
Theory classrooms
(A1-A13) general computer equipped with audio system and projection. Capacity: 30 students.
Computer rooms
Classrooms PC (A11 / 12) with projection and audio system. Capacity: 17 students
Classrooms Mac (23/24) double projection and audio system, variable seating 15 + 15 students
Photographic studio
(A31) equipped with complete lighting system, backdrops, filters, diffusers, stands, with store of equipment and accessories.
Multimedia Workshop
(A4) individual editing suite with two high-end computers, dedicated to video editing and 3D (Island edition) and studio filming and editing, stop-motion (3 individual sets), work tables and tools.
Engraving and screen printing
(A19) space attached to the building with outdoor terrace. It has screw press, exposure unit, and screens, allowing for traditional transfer techniques: intaglio and relief printing, screen printing and photo-etching.
Exhibition Hall
(A0) common areas such as access hall, stairs and corridors are used as spaces for exhibition of student work.
Library and self-study room
* All classrooms have access to the internal computer network (intranet) and high-speed internet through a wireless system and/or high-performance cabling and capacity.
Our specific and vocational courses aim to train the students to carry out a professional activity in the field of Graphic and Audiovisual Communication, either through narration, design or the graphic and audiovisual processing of information. Fixed, interactive or moving images are used, with a final printed and/or audiovisual result. One of the pedagogical aims of the school is to train students as creative professionals capable of self-management and of delving into their own knowledge and skills, so they can adapt the training acquired to their interests and respond to the changing conditions of the current labor market.
For this reason, the EAD offers different itineraries, all authorized by the Department of Education —among the Higher Education Courses— which allow students to obtain two certificates in three academic years (2×3) by extending the curriculum with the modules of the center and the tutorial monitoring of the Integrated Project. In order to make this curricular design possible, the EAD starts the Higher Education courses with a first introductory year to the family of Graphic and Audiovisual Communication. The second year is specialized and it also includes the Integrated Project and the Practical Working Training (internship) in work centers. The course finishes with a third year of another specialization where students can take their last semester abroad with an Erasmus program for either studies or internships.
Duration: 2,260 hours (2 academic years)
Official modules: 2,000 hours
Centre’s modules: 260 hours
Practical training in work centers: 280 hours
ECTS credits: 120
Shift: Afternoons
Click here to download the EAD's Higher Education Courses PDF.
Click here to download the curricula of this course.
Click on the image to download the EAD's Higher Education Course PDF.

Senior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Animation
1st year: 61 ECTS / 2nd year: 72 ECTS
Create, design, organise, manage and supervise animation projects. Model
and represent characters, objects, scenarios and backgrounds (2D and 3D).
Animate, illuminate and place virtual cameras. Analyse proposals and carry
out documentary and graphic research in different fields.
Click here to download the curricula of this course.
Click on the image to download the EAD's Higher Education Course PDF.

Senior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Interactive Graphics
1st year: 61 ECTS / 2nd year: 72 ECTS
Design, organise, manage, supervise
and analyse interactive graphic
projects applied to different fields. Web
design and development, production of
interactive content: accessibility,
usability and interfaces design.
Click here to download the curricula of this course.
Click on the image to download the EAD's Higher Education Course PDF.

Senior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Printed Graphics
1st year: 61 ECTS / 2nd year: 74 ECTS
Design, organise, develop, and
supervise the production of printed
graphic projects. Practice creative and
artistic direction of brands, products,
services and companies. Analyse,
create and propose graphic products
applied to different fields. Choose the
use of graphic, typographic or
photographic resources for different
applications and prepare the final
artwork for printing.
Click here to download the curricula of this course.
Click on the image to download the EAD's Higher Education Course PDF.

Senior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Illustration
1st year: 61 ECTS / 2nd year: 74 ECTS
Realize original illustrations for a
variety of purposes: science,
technology, architecture, interior
design, fashion, publicity, product,
editorial, and press. Master traditional
and digital techniques and apply them
to interactive, printed and/or foldable
Click here to download the curricula of this course.
Click on the image to download the EAD's Higher Education Course PDF.